vrijdag 31 oktober 2008

From 497 images to a 3D-model

This subject makes you of course already guessing me writing about my thesis :).
In the end you are right.

While my dear Mac is generating a (clearly heavy for him) 3D-model, I decided to inform you a little bit more about my thesis work here.

Once there was a laboratory mouse (which didn't have a name, but only a number, the poor mouse) killed in Ghent - on a friendly manner ofcourse. It was put under a mirco CT scanner which divided the 1.5 to 2 cm of mouse lungs in 497 images, like the one below.

(so you have to imagine the mouse lying down with the head towards you and then you take a slice from front to back)

Now I'm making a 3D model of this, comparable with this model (which was made on the same data in America).

A little preview of the WIP in OsiriX (program 1a):

(I also have to compare it to what an other program makes of it, program 1b)
Once this is finished, it will be 'touched up' by some photoshop-like program (number 2).
Afterwards it will be exported to a format that is suitable for an other program (number 3 :)) in which I can measure (so not automaticaly...) all the diameters and lengths of the different arteries.

Once I got that and some other literature parameters, these data will be put in a Matlab model (program number 4) which will -after some adaptions and time- calculate pressure and flow.

Afterwards we will compare this with experimental data and eventually try to predict the effects of some diseases. But this will be for 2009 :).

I'm going back to OsiriX, the program that's driving my computer crazy.

Talk to you soon !


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